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Surrendering Your Pig or Cow

We understand that sometimes circumstances in life come with heavy consequences. One being having to say goodbye to a dear pet and give them the chance to grow elsewhere. Although we understand this decision does not come lightly, we also want people to know there are options available. If you are looking to surrender your animal, please click the button link below. Surrendering your animal should always be the last option.


We also want to inform those who are looking to surrender their animal that displacing them from their home where they have developed connections with other animals and people is extremely traumatic and stressful. Pigs are known to undergo extreme depression which can last months.

Due to the overwhelming need for pigs to be surrendered and rescued, BPR is currently over capacity and unable to accept surrender requests at this time. 


If you need to surrender or re-home a pig within Arizona, please contact AZ Piggy Network on Facebook or click the link below.

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